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Meet Our Board & Staff

It is with immense gratitude that the URJ recognizes and acknowledges the members of its Oversight Committee and North American Board of Trustees, so ably led by URJ Chair Jennifer Brodkey Kaufman. The leadership’s vision, wisdom, and generosity guide the URJ in fulfilling our strategic priorities and represent a sacred partnership in Reform Judaism’s holy work.

2019-2021 URJ Oversight Committee


Janice Brumer - Temple B’nai Torah, Bellevue, WA

Cary Davidson - Congregation Kol Ami, West Hollywood, CA (URJ Co-Treasurer)

Isabel (Liz) P. Dunst - Temple Sinai, Washington, DC

Vivian Gealer - Temple Emanuel of Tempe, Tempe, AZ (URJDistrict Chair—West)

Jay Gellman - Temple Beth Orr, Coral Springs, FL (URJ District Chair—South)

Roberta Franco Glick - Temple Chaverim, Plainview, NY (URJ District Chair—East)

Jill Goodman - Congregation Beth Emeth, Albany, NY

Alec Harris - Chicago SinaiCongregation, Chicago, IL (URJ Co-Treasurer)

Rabbi Rick Jacobs - Westchester Reform Temple, Scarsdale, NY (URJ President)

Jennifer Brodkey Kaufman - Congregation B'nai Israel, Sacramento, CA (URJ Chair)

Robin Kosberg - Temple Emanu - El, Dallas, TX (URJ Vice Chair)

Marc Landis - Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York, NY

Harry Levy IV - Temple Beth El, San Antonio, TX (URJ Vice Chair)

Blair Marks - Temple Kol Emeth, Marietta, GA

Daryl Messinger - Congregation Beth Am, Los Altos Hills, CA (URJ Immediate PastChair)

Shelley Niceley Groff - Temple Beth Sholom, Miami Beach, FL (URJ Vice Chair)

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner - Temple Israel, Boston, MA Temple Sinai, Washington, DC (RAC Director and URJ Senior Vice President)

Michael Price - Congregation Beth Shalom RodfeZedek, Chester, CT

Steve Pruzan - Temple De Hirsch Sinai, Seattle, WA

Wendy Rhodes - Makom Solel Lakeside, Highland Park, IL (URJ Vice Chair)

Richard Rubenstein - Congregation Beth Israel, West Hartford, CT

Elkan Scheidt - Temple Israel, Memphis, TN

Mark Schwartz - Temple Israel, Boston, MA

Heidi Segal - Temple Israel, Los Angeles, CA

Andy B. Shafran - Congregation Beth Tikvah, Worthington, OH (URJ District Chair—Central)

Dr. Pekka R. Sinervo - Temple Emanu-El, Toronto, ON

Dr. Steven E. Weitz - Temple Beth-El, Hillsborough, NJ

Ann R. Wenger - Am Shalom, Glencoe, IL

Dr. Jeremy Wolfe - Temple Sinai, Brookline, MA


Allan Goldman - Leo Baeck Temple, Los Angeles, CA (Honorary URJ Chair)

Robert Heller - Central Synagogue New York, NY (Honorary URJ Chair)

Stephen Sacks - Temple Sinai Washington, D.C. (Honorary URJ Chair)

Jerome Somers - Temple Emanu-El Marblehead, MA (Honorary URJ Chair)

Peter J. Weidhorn - Temple Shaari Emeth Manalapan, NJ (Honorary URJ Chair)


Ex-Officio Members:


Sue Neuman Hochberg - Congregation Micah Brentwood, Nashville, TN (HUC-JIR Chair)

Rabbi Lewis H. Kamrass - Isaac M. Wise Temple, Cincinnati, OH (CCAR President)

Rabbi Hara E. Person - Brooklyn Heights Synagogue, Brooklyn, NY (CCAR ChiefExecutive)

Dr. Andrew Rehfeld - Temple Israel, Saint Louis, MO (HUC-JIR President)

Rabbi Ronald M. Segal - Temple Sinai–Atlanta, Sandy Springs, GA (CCAR President)


2019-2021 North American Board

Dr. Tom Abelson

Michael Adler

Meryl Alalof

Rita Appel

David Astrove

Rabbi Nicole Auerbach

Diane Baer

Jeffrey Bank

Marjorie Baron

David Baskin

Susan Bass

Len Bates

Sharon K. Benoff

Rabbi Sergio Bergman

Stephen Berman

Austin Beutel

Bryan Bierman

Ellen Bittner

Rabbi Barry Block

Fletcher Block

Sean Blum

Todd Brecher

Jadwiga Brown

Janice Brumer

Janet Buckstein

Andrea Cannon

Dr. Sara Charney

James Cherney

Ronald Cohen

Seth Cohen

Skylar Cohen

Ronnie Cohn

Cary Davidson

Phyllis Denaburg

Steve ‘Coby’ Derringer

Martin Dodd

Marlene Dodinval

David Donchin

Derek Dorn

Patricia Dorson

Isabel ‘Liz’ Dunst

Dr. Andrew Engel

Barry Epstein

Jan Epstein

Ross Erlebacher

Steven Fadem

Dr. Howard Fagin

Loree Farrar

Mitchell Faust

Jack Feldman

Rabbi Marla Feldman

Dr. Deborah Fernandez-Turner

Morton Finkelstein

Alan Fishman

James Fleckner

Ellen Fox-Snider

Cantor Claire Franco

Sally Frank

Rabbi Anthony Fratello

Rabbi Daniel Freelander

Dr. Michael Freidman

Barry Friedfertig

Vivian Gealer

Jay Gellman

Rabbi Matthew Gewirtz

Tricia Ginis

Joseph Glass

Roberta Franco Glick

Elizabeth Goertzel

Richard Goldberg

Katherine Goldgeier

Allan Goldman

Jill Goodman

Judith Goozh

Julie Gordon

Robert Gordon

Ilene Greene

Dan Grossman

Alec Harris

Kareen Hartwig

Robert Heller

Micaela Hellman-Tincher

Robert Himmelstein

Sue Neuman Hochberg

Tom Hoffman

Alan Iselin

Rabbi Rick Jacobs

Elliott Jacobson

Daniel Jeydel

Dr. Melissa Johnson

Bruce Josephy

Marisa Kaiser

Susan Friedberg Kalson

Rabbi Lewis Kamrass

Dr. Alan Kaplan

Fern Katz

Aaron Kaufman

Jennifer Brodkey Kaufman

Michael Klau

Sara Klein

Charles Koplik

Robin Kosberg

Kenneth Kramer

Marshall Krolick (z”l)

Judy Kule

Marc Landis

Robert Langsfeld

Evely Laser Shlensky

Michael Laufer

Lynn Magid Lazar

Kerry Leaf

Norman Leopold

Dr. Paul Leszner

Jay Levine

Harry Levy IV

Marjorie Levy

Mark Levy

Michael Liepman

Amy Lipeles

Rabbi Janet Liss

Susan Longo

Dr. Davia Loren

Anna Lushtak

Luise Mann

Janet Marion

Paula Markovitz

Richard Markowitz

Blair Marks

Lenore Mass

Rabbi Jacqueline Mates-Muchin

Philip Meltzer

Paul Mengert

Daryl Messinger

Nancy Michaels

Rabbi Bennett Miller

Bruce Miller

Gregory Miller

Lori Miller Pike

Francie Miran

Lev Mosbacher

Hon. Geraldine Mund

Shelley Niceley Groff

William Norman

Lois Nyren

Mark Oster

Elliot Paull

Debra Perlin

Rabbi Hara Person

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner

Jason Plotkin

Dr. Ellen Plum

Frank Ponder

Steven Portnoy

Taneisha ‘Tani’ Prell

Michael Price

Steve Pruzan

Ziva Raney

Dr. Andrew Rehfeld

Wendy Rhodes

Lynn Ritvo

Karen Rivo

Scott Roseman

Dr. Michael Ross

Rachel Roth

Charlie Rothschild

Hank Rouda

Richard Rubenstein

Lois Rubin

Stephen Sacks

Scott Sager

Maggie Samen

David Sampliner

Mark Sass

Cantor Jodi Schechtman(z”l)

Elkan Scheidt

Rabbi Stanley Schickler

Dr. Katherine Schwartz

Mark Schwartz

Heidi Segal

Rabbi Ronald Segal

Andy Shafran

Rabbi Barton Shallat

Stephen Sherman

Benjamin Sillins

Russell Silverman

Karen Sim

Dr. Donald Simon

Mike Sims

Dr. Pekka Sinervo

Ralph Sinsheimer

Laurie Sobelman

Michael Solka

Jerome Somers

Rabbi Yael Splansky

Carole Sterling

David Strauss

Michelle Tandowsky

Jane Taves

Leonard Teitelbaum

Rabbi Lennard ThalIris Vanek

Geraldine Voit

Julie Waltzer

Michael Waxman

Peter Weidhorn

Gayle Weil

Nordin Weinberger

Barbara Lee Weisser

Dr. Steven Weitz

Ann Wenger

Thomas Wiener

Dolores Wilkenfeld

Peter Winik

Dr. Jeremy Wolfe

Rabbi Eric Yoffie

Terry Yoffie

URJ Executive Team


The URJ Executive Team is made up of senior-level staff in areas such as youth, social justice, engaging new participants in Jewish life, strengthening congregations, finance, philanthropy, technology, and beyond; this skilled, collaborative group is responsible for developing and strategizing the priorities, processes, and structures of the Reform Movement. Learn more about our executive team and their ongoing work to strengthen Reform Jewish life.

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